The Summa Opinion
- A State of Clarity
- Its Been An Honor
- In the Pursuit of Happiness
- How to Turbocharge Your LinkedIn Account
Recent Opinion News
A State of Clarity
What else is left?
On numerous divisive issues, voters are either clearly aligned on one side (pro-life, pro-gun, pro-religious...
Its Been An Honor
With the university in debt and with enrollment rates quivering, St. Thomas has to evaluate the programs and resources that attract...
Despite Progress, Crooker Meals Still Below Par
As many UST residents will tell you, the Crooker cafeteria has much room to grow. Compared to UH’s or Rice University’s...
In the Pursuit of Happiness
Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong or unreasonable, but you did it anyway? Maybe you pulled an all nighter right before...
How to Turbocharge Your LinkedIn Account
From what I’ve seen, many college students don’t use LinkedIn. The few that do have LinkedIn often have few connections and...
Time to Face the Truth about Trump
It was fun for a while but the joke's over.
Obviously, we cannot forbid people to run for president. There are constitutional...
Sometimes a Cup is Just a Cup
It’s 60 degrees outside, the department store sales are in full swing and that gingerbread spice latte is back in stock. It can...
Making the Most Out of Your Meal Plan
The semester is almost over and many of us are just now realizing that there are still $400 in our Crooker meal plan left. For some, it...
A Tale of Two Parties
The Grand Old Party is in disarray.
There is tremendous competition for the party nomination. Currently, 14 people are fighting...
The Impractically Determined Right Winger
In the wake of the current frenzy following Planned Parenthood, I can’t help but reflect and really ask myself,...
Open Carry Legislation Open to Discussion
An armed gunman shot and killed nine people and wounded nine others. Even more recently, shootings occurred at Texas Southern...
A Live Shot Should Get Their Attention
Now deceased Vester Lee Flanagan had the full intention to avenge himself. And he had many things to avenge, such as his dignity, sense...